An evaluation of a special government’s legal structure for alleviating poverty: Role of local government in North Aceh, Indonesia

Erlan Wijatmoko, Armaidy Armawi, Teuku Faisal Fathani

Article ID: 2630
Vol 8, Issue 2, 2024


We examine the role of the North Aceh Government in implementing the Law on the Governing of Aceh (LoGA) as a legal structure in development policy. As a symbol of peace, the LoGA is a reference for accelerating development to alleviate poverty, including North Aceh as a conflict region. However, until now, the area remains the poorest in the province of Aceh. This research used descriptive qualitative methods, evaluating the local government’s performance as policymakers based on the Law by reconstructing policy theory (Easton) and legal system (Friedman). Our findings indicated that the local government needed help implementing LoGA to form development policies to solve poverty. This research suggested the importance of providing legal certainty in the distribution of authority, capacity building, and strengthening of political will for local government conducting its role.


legal structure; authority; capacity building; political will; policy-making process

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