Cultural and entrepreneurial attitudes of fishermen involved in the production of fishery products in West Sumatra, Indonesia: Implications for marine resource conservation areas in village development

Lucky Zamzami, Nursyirwan Effendi

Article ID: 2629
Vol 7, Issue 3, 2023

VIEWS - 403 (Abstract) 255 (PDF)


The development of entrepreneurship in fisheries operations is an important component of eliminating poverty. Fisherman obviously produce fishery goods, despite the broad recognition of the positive role that entrepreneurship can play in the reduction of poverty. Integration into one’s society and economy are increasingly beginning to be seen as an essential component of entrepreneurial success. This study aims to investigate the cultural and entrepreneurial attitudes of fishermen involved in the production of fishery products in the Province of West Sumatra, Indonesia, accordingly with a particular focus on marine resource conservation areas in village development. In this development, the descriptive design of capitals was utilized. This design included interviews, a questionnaire survey, and a review of the relevant body of literature. As a result, the purpose of the study was to propose an alternative model for the development of villages that would be considered novel in Indonesia. The findings demonstrated that the model makes a contribution to enhancing the socio-economic, cultural, and social capabilities of a group of fishermen. In conclusion, tourism that is focused on social entrepreneurship has the potential to boost entrepreneurial attitudes as well as the atmosphere surrounding community understanding of creative village development. We came to the conclusion that implementing tourism with a focus on social entrepreneurship could increase entrepreneurial attitudes and create an atmosphere that is more conscious of the needs of the community in village development.


entrepreneurial attitudes; ecotourism; marine conservation area; fishermen community; village development

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