Innovation, infocommunication and digital transformation in sport policing and certain aspects of sports

Tóth Nikolett Ágnes, Mátyás Szabolcs, Bujdosó Zoltán, Dávid Lóránt Dénes, Tóth Gergő József, Mátrai Gábor

Article ID: 2617
Vol 8, Issue 3, 2024

VIEWS - 1199 (Abstract) 877 (PDF)


Sport has become a fundamental socio-economic area. Currently, technological progress plays one of the most important roles in the development of sport. In the twenty-first century, innovation, and technology are significantly shaping the world of law enforcement and sports policing, and huge changes are taking place that need to be responded to. The development, spread and completion of info communication, information technology, digital technologies, and digitalization itself at an ever-faster pace than ever before are fundamentally changing all areas of the economy and society. Today there is no question that digitalization is the engine of the economy, which has an impact in all sectors, including sports and law enforcement. In the study, the authors examine the possibility of technical development in the field of sports safety. Among other things, drones, facial recognition systems and predictive analytics will be examined. The methodology used is mainly based on the analysis and examination of previous methods. The authors propose to adapt the innovative tools used at previous sports and mass events in the field of sports safety.


artificial intelligence; digitalization; info communication; law enforcement; sports; sports policing; sports tourism

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