The legal regulation of artificial intelligence security in Ukrainian banking

Alona Klochko, Mykola Kurylo, Oleh Rohovenko, Nataliia Volchenko, Assol Shulzhenko

Article ID: 2582
Vol 8, Issue 2, 2024


The need to expand the range of banking services in Ukraine is stipulated with technological progress, the European integration processes and the legal regime of martial law introduced in the country. Under the conditions of war, the need to strengthen the security of banking activities and protect the banking system from the influence of any internal and external factors gains meaning. The topical direction of economic and legal research of scientists today is the possibility to introduce digital technologies with elements of artificial intelligence (AI) into the banking activity in Ukraine to improve its protection. The AI law as an independent branch of the Ukrainian law has not been developed so far. The sources of AI law, its functions, tasks, scope, risks and limits of legal responsibility for prohibited practices of artificial intelligence have not been defined. The purpose of the article is to analyze the theoretical and legal provisions that underpin the regulation of AI application in Ukrainian banking. The comparative legal method made it possible, considering the provisions of the draft law on AI of the European Union, to determine the trends in the development of the legal regulation of AI in Ukraine. Following the study, proposals to the legislation of Ukraine were formulated, which will contribute to the legal regulation of banking activities using digital technologies with elements of AI.


artificial intelligence law; martial law; banking technologies; European integration

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