Collaboration and leadership for effective disaster governance: Evidence from Cianjur earthquake, West Java, Indonesia
Vol 8, Issue 1, 2024
This article aims to elucidate governance primarily from the perspective of collaboration and leadership in managing disasters. This article studies the case of Indonesia, a country with frequent and complex nature of disasters, located on the Pacific Ring of Fire to analyze its disaster management system and draw out implications from its experience. The method used is a qualitative comprehensive and systematic review from national and international earthquake occurrences. The finding is that Indonesia is simultaneously carrying out disaster management which is not contradictory but complementary. The importance of collaboration is imposed and recommendations are offered on rectifying collaborative activities’ value. Modern leadership strategies suggest that acquire their power from effective strategies and transformational power rather than standard operating procedures. This paper provides lessons on how to organize earthquake management through aspects of collaboration and leadership effectively. The author suggests optimizing the potential of the community by providing special assistance to increase disaster management efforts.
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