SERVQUAL measures: Indonesian government healthcare (BPJS) from a human resource perspective
Vol 8, Issue 2, 2024
The purpose of this study is to investigate customer satisfaction with quality of service known as SERVQUAL improvement or service quality competitiveness in emerging markets. Using Indonesian government medical care as an example the author examines the satisfaction of patients. Information and data were collected through a survey of 399 BPJS users in Indonesia. All data were analyzed using Smart PLS. This study demonstrates that there is a negative value associated with the five-dimensional gap. As a result, the care provided to BPJS patients is below par. Specifically, the sensitivity dimension has the largest disparity at 0.15, while the physical evidence dimension has the smallest at 0.49. In order to raise the level of service provided, it may be necessary to take direct measures or examine tangible evidence. This study develops the relationship between different quality service models. There appears to be a substantial increase in the body of literature in the area of service quality, allowing for constant updates and the incorporation of the lessons learned from the experiences of the departed. These revised guidelines are intended to aid SERVQUAL study participants. The study gives practical support to academics and practitioners in directing service quality improvement through the use of data collected from large-scale surveys of patients and medical professionals as doctors in Indonesia.
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