Mega sporting events and their socio-economic impact: Case study of the 2022 FIFA World Cup

Eirini Eleni Nikolaou, George Konteos, Stavros Kalogiannidis, Dimitrios Syndoukas

Article ID: 2158
Vol 7, Issue 2, 2023

VIEWS - 6166 (Abstract) 3505 (PDF)


Using as a case study the 2022 FIFA World Cup, the present research studied the social-economic consequences of major sport events management. The present study examined many researches that had to do with the concept of infrastructure growth as a result of major sport events, as well as offered statistics on evidence of infrastructure development as a consequence of major sport events. The data that were used for the research were collected via online survey questionnaires, and they were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. Event infrastructures employed in major sport events have a favorable social-economic impact. That comes as a result of the good impact that the audience at major sporting has on the social-economic development in general, and also the beneficial impact that the degree of organization at major sport events has on the social-economic welfare. The 2022 World Cup has been shown to have a significant influence on the country’s infrastructural development. As a result, it was established that major sport events are critical for a country’s infrastructure development. It is suggested that the present research is used on the future as a source in the investigation of infrastructure changes caused by major sporting events.


2022 FIFA World Cup; major sport events; audience of world cup; infrastructural developments; social-economic impact

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