DTI-BR model applied in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, for its transformation into a smart tourism destination

Alessandra Bussador, Bárbara Françoise Cardoso Bauermann, Miguel Diogenes Matrakas, Janine Carvalho Padilha, Kátya Regina de Freitas Zara

Article ID: 2152
Vol 7, Issue 2, 2023


With the increasing concentration of people and services in urban centers, there is a growing prevalence of issues related to mobility, accessibility, housing, access to urban infrastructure, safety, leisure, tourism, sanitation, and sustainability. In response to the need for sustainability, these urban centers integrate information and communication technologies to optimize and assist in decision-making for public service management. As smart cities integrate the social, physical, and digital systems, they enable a participatory model of government management. Touristic cities, which include smart city indicators and integrate sustainability and technology throughout the tourism value chain, create sustainable development based on local limitations and capacities while enhancing the integration of technology throughout the tourism destination’s value proposition. Thus, this paper aims to analyze the municipality of Foz do Iguaçu as a smart tourism destination by applying the DTI-BR model. As a result, the application of the DTI-BR model in Foz do Iguaçu showed evidence that the municipality needs to improve its indicators to be considered a smart tourism destination, which implies the need for improvements in public-private partnerships for the municipality’s development as a smart city.


smart city; smart destination; intelligence indicators; public policies; ISO standards

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v7i2.2152


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