A conceptual framework combining environmental worldview, organizational learning, and strategic planning contributing to sustainable development

Daniel Ong Kim Kui, Rudy Pramono

Article ID: 2126
Vol 7, Issue 2, 2023

VIEWS - 505 (Abstract) 338 (PDF)


This study aims to develop a framework that helps organizations to fulfill their environmental and social responsibility amid constraints in selecting which stakeholders’ interest comes first and the essential to have an evolved strategic planning that can accommodate broader systemic planning and practice that will yield authenticity in business sustainability with components of environmental worldview of its leaders and organizational learning in the framework. This research uses the method of literature review with the data from interviews and content analysis of the report from one organization that has successfully implemented social and environmentally friendly practices. Based on an in-depth review of literatures on worldview, organizational learning, and strategic planning, and with empirical study from one organization, a conceptual framework by combination of the existing concepts is produced to enable an integration of theories in a range of possible actions for organizations to achieve sustainable development. The result from this research’s framework will allow further study to be carried out in the future to verify associations between existing concepts or variables within the framework, and to produce next empirical results in supporting those theories being reviewed in this paper.


environmental worldview; organizational learning; strategic planning; sustainable development framework

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v7i2.2126


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