Effects of regional accessibility on productivity: An analysis based on composite indicators

João Fragoso Januário, Álvaro Costa, Carlos Oliveira Cruz, Joaquim Miranda Sarmento, Vítor Faria e Sousa

Article ID: 2092
Vol 7, Issue 3, 2023

VIEWS - 873 (Abstract) 505 (PDF)


The relationship between transport infrastructure and accessibility has long stood as a central research area in regional and transport economics. Often invoked by governments to justify large public spending on infrastructure, the study of this relationship has led to conflicting arguments on the role that transport plays in productivity. This paper expands the existing body of knowledge by adopting a spatial analysis (with spillover effects) that considers the physical effects of investment in terms of accessibility (using distinct metrics). The authors have used the Portuguese experience at regional level over the last 30 years as a case study. The main conclusions are as follows: i) the choice of transport variables matters when explaining productivity, and more complex accessibility indicators are more correlated with; ii) it is important to account for spill-over effects; and iii) the evidence of granger causality is not widespread but depends on the regions.


accessibility; productivity; granger causality; spatial analysis; transport

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v7i3.2092


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