Political doctrine, economic growth, and the development of urban social security: Lessons from post-reform China

Guan Huang, Jinfeng Zhang

Article ID: 1991
Vol 7, Issue 2, 2023

VIEWS - 488 (Abstract) 906 (PDF)


This study provides an empirical examination of the design and modification of China’s urban social security programme. In doing so, this study complements the popular assumption regarding the correlation between economic growth and social security development. Focusing on the economic and political motivations behind the ruling party’s decision to implement social security, this study first discusses the modification of urban social security and welfare in China. It then empirically demonstrates the mechanisms behind the system’s operation. This study proposes the following hypothesis: in a country like China, a change in the doctrine of the ruling party will affect government alliances, negating the positive impact of economic growth on the development of social security. In demonstrating this hypothesis, this study identifies a political precondition impacting the explanatory power of popular conceptions of social security development.


Chinese urban social security; unequal distribution; governance orientation; economic development; economic reform; CCP

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v7i2.1991


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