Making public works work: A framework for initiating right public infrastructure investments

Moawiah A. Alnsour

Article ID: 1692
Vol 6, Issue 2, 2022

VIEWS - 4697 (Abstract)


Public works (PWs) in Jordan seek to deliver public services that contribute to socio-economic growth and service provision. A clear framework for initiating PWs investments is lacking in Jordan to meet the required level of development of the country. This work sought to develop a framework for delivering the right PWs investments. The study found that there are several steps that need to be followed to deliver a desired project’s objectives. The study employed a qualitative method using semi-structured interviews. Besides the interviews, the document analysis approach was used and an extensive literature review was conducted. Experts in Jordan regarding PWs development were selected to participate in this study of developing a framework for the initiation of PWs investments. The study found that the framework should involve different steps and measures. They are integrated together to create a framework reflecting international practices in the context of Jordan.


public works; initiation framework; infrastructure investments; Jordan

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