Discretion in education services: Explaining teaching-learning models of learning from home during Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia

Hasniati Hasniati

Article ID: 1495
Vol 6, Issue 2, 2022


This study aimed to analyze government policies in education during the Covid-19 pandemic and how teachers exercised discretion in dealing with limitations in policy implementation. This research work used the desk review method to obtain data on government policies in the field of education during the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, interviews were conducted to determine the discretion taken in implementing the learning-from-home policy. There were three learning models during the pandemic: face-to-face learning in turns (shifts), online learning, and home visits. Online learning policies did not work well at the pandemic’s beginning due to limited infrastructure and human resources. To overcome various limitations, the government provided internet quota assistance and curriculum adjustments and improved online learning infrastructure. The discretion taken by the teachers in implementing the learning-from-home policy was very dependent on the student’s condition and the availability of the internet network. The practical implication of this research is that street-level bureaucrats need to pay attention to discretionary standards when deciding to provide satisfaction to the people they serve.


street-level bureaucrats; digital infrastructure; online learning; education services; Covid-19; Indonesia

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v6i2.1495


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