Infrastructure equity issues of airports and universities across regional states in Ethiopia: A preliminary overview

Ambaw Desalegn

Article ID: 1319
Vol 6, Issue 1, 2022

VIEWS - 667 (Abstract) 419 (PDF)


The purpose of this article is to determine the equitability of airport and university allocations throughout Ethiopian regional states based on the number of airports and institutions per 1 million people. According to the sample, the majority of respondents believed that university allocation in Ethiopia is equitable. In contrast, the majority of respondents who were asked about airports stated that there is an uneven distribution of airports across Ethiopia’s regional states. Hence, both interviewees and focus group discussants stated that there is a lack of equitable distribution of universities and airports across Ethiopia’s regional states. This paper contributes a lesson on how to create a comprehensive set of determining factors for equitable infrastructure allocation. It also provides a methodological improvement for assessing infrastructure equity and other broader implications across Ethiopian regional states.


airport; university; principal component analysis; normalization; formula; Ethiopian regional states; Ethiopia

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