Assessing sales performance gaps by gender and indigenous identity among Mexican entrepreneurs

Roberto Iván Fuentes-Contreras, Moises Librado-Gonzalez, Karina Isabel Salinas-Solís

Article ID: 11405
Vol 9, Issue 2, 2025


The purpose of this research is to estimate the differences in sales levels between businesses owned by individuals who self-identify as Indigenous (IE) and those who do not (NIE), as well as between males (ME) and females (WE), and how this intersection may affect their sales levels. To accomplish this, an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is used to compare the means between the groups analyzed, and Tukey’s Honestly Significant Differences (HSD) is used to determine the magnitude and direction of these differences. The results of the study show that indigenous-owned businesses have sales that are 26% lower than the general average, while women-owned businesses have sales that are 70.6% lower in the same comparison. In addition, businesses run by indigenous women have sales that are 93.5% lower on average. These findings suggest that the challenges faced by entrepreneurs reflect the structural inequalities observed in other areas of society and highlight the need for public and private policies focused on reducing these gaps.


entrepreneurship; self-employment; indigenous people

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