An inquiry into plant-based diet for achieving sustainable goals

Chin Wei Chong, Wendy Ming Yen Teoh, Adedapo O. Ojo, Hui Suan Wei

Article ID: 11232
Vol 9, Issue 2, 2025


This research addresses environmental, ethical, and health concerns related to high meat consumption, and aims to identify key predictors that encourage a shift towards sustainable diets among young adults. A cross-sectional survey involving 340 students from ten Malaysian universities was conducted using a structured questionnaire. The findings indicate that attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and personal norms significantly predict the intention to adopt plant-based diets. These results have practical implications, suggesting that policymakers, educators, and health professionals should create supportive environments and educational programs that emphasize the benefits of plant-based diets and equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills. Theoretically, the study reinforces the TPB framework’s applicability in understanding dietary behaviors and underscores the importance of personal and social factors in shaping dietary intentions. Ultimately, promoting plant-based diets among university students necessitates a comprehensive approach and strategy addressing attitudes, social norms, perceived control, and personal values. By leveraging these insights, stakeholders can foster sustainable and healthy eating practices among young adults, contributing to broader environmental and public health objectives for sustainable development.


plant-based diets, theory of planned behavior (TPB), sustainable diet, dietary intentions, environmental sustainability

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