Climate risks on health systems in the greater Lomé health region of Togo (West Africa) in 2022: Manifestations of the effects

Piniouwe Andje, Tossou Atchrimi, Kossi Komi, Hezouwe Looky-Djobo

Article ID: 11138
Vol 9, Issue 2, 2025


Climate change has adverse effects on ecosystems and several socio-economic sectors including health. Indeed, infrastructure, continuity of medical services, and the hospital environment are all directly affected by the effects of climate-related risks. This study aims to describe the observations of the effects of climate change risks on health systems in the Greater Lomé health region of Togo. We used an interview guide and a questionnaire to collect information. The observations allowed us to assess the effects caused by climate risks. According to the results, 84.62% of respondents attest that health centers experience flooding during rainy periods and damage caused by strong winds is noticeable among 76.92% of respondents. More than 25.40% and 61.86% respectively of respondents mention that droughts and floods have effects on health systems. The results of this study will allow health system managers to become aware of how to plan useful actions to facilitate the management of climate-related risks in health facilities in the Greater Lomé health region. In view of all these results, it is necessary that measures be taken to strengthen the resilience of health systems through awareness campaigns and training of actors throughout the health pyramid.


climate risk; Greater Lomé; effects; health facilities

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