Engaging the digital generation: Youth gratifications and innovation readiness in Malaysia’s digital television era

Mokhtarrudin Ahmad, Alex Winarno, Kavitha Balakrishnan, Mahir Pradana, Aznul Fazrin Abu Sujak, Raja Razana Raja Razali

Article ID: 10991
Vol 9, Issue 2, 2025


With the technology advance in broadcasting arena, Malaysian Government has upgraded Free-To-Air (FTA) Television Channels from analogue to digital in the Digitalisation Initiative launched in 2019. On the other hand, most of viewers especially young generation has switched from watching television to more high-quality channels provided via digital pay television such as ASTRO, web-based television such as Unifi TV and video on demand channels such as Iflix and Netflix. At the same time, most of the younger generation are ready to accept any innovation introduced by provider. Therefore, this paper aims to identify uses and gratifications level among youth, innovation readiness among youth, relationship between uses and gratifications as well as innovation readiness as a mediating factor between uses and gratifications. This research employs quantitative approach and data was collected via purposive sampling from 14 states including Federal Territory in Malaysia involving 350 respondents. Questionnaire was created via Google Form and was distributed to all respondents via enumerators that were officially appointed in every state in Malaysia. The findings indicate that usage has a significant relationship with gratifications among users, and innovation readiness serves as a key factor that enhances users’ levels of gratification after utilizing Digital FTA.


uses and gratifications theory; Innovation Readiness Model; COVID-19; digital television

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