Effective problem solving in logistics with new framework for connecting problems and metaheuristics
Vol 9, Issue 2, 2025
Finding the right technique to optimize a complex problem is not an easy task. There are hundreds of methods, especially in the field of metaheuristics suitable for solving NP-hard problems. Most metaheuristic research is characterized by developing a new algorithm for a task, modifying or improving an existing technique. The overall rate of reuse of metaheuristics is small. Many problems in the field of logistics are complex and NP-hard, so metaheuristics can adequately solve them. The purpose of this paper is to promote more frequent reuse of algorithms in the field of logistics. For this, a framework is presented, where tasks are analyzed and categorized in a new way in terms of variables or based on the type of task. A lot of emphasis is placed on whether the nature of a task is discrete or continuous. Metaheuristics are also analyzed from a new approach: the focus of the study is that, based on literature, an algorithm has already effectively solved mostly discrete or continuous problems. An algorithm is not modified and adapted to a problem, but methods that provide a possible good solution for a task type are collected. A kind of reverse optimization is presented, which can help the reuse and industrial application of metaheuristics. The paper also contributes to providing proof of the difficulties in the applicability of metaheuristics. The revealed research difficulties can help improve the quality of the field and, by initiating many additional research questions, it can improve the real application of metaheuristic algorithms to specific problems. The paper helps with decision support in logistics in the selection of applied optimization methods. We tested the effectiveness of the selection method on a specific task, and it was proven that the functional structure can help the decision when choosing the appropriate algorithm.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd10934
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