Endogenous and exogenous factors influencing urban planning and the sustainability of secondary towns in Chad: The case of the town of Pala

Sing-non Bourdannet Patouki, Tarik Chafiq, Ndonaye Allarané, Vidjinnagni Vinasse Ametooyona Azagoun, Follygan Hetcheli

Article ID: 10746
Vol 9, Issue 2, 2025


Over the past 50 years, urban planning documents have been drawn up in sub-Saharan African cities without any convincing results. The study of secondary towns in Chad shows that these planning documents have been hampered by natural and man-made factors. The aim of this study is to determine the factors hindering the implementation of planning documents in the town of Pala in Chad. To carry out the study, a methodological approach (using quantitative and qualitative data) based on a questionnaire and interview survey was deployed for data collection. With a sample of 300 households surveyed, the main conclusions of the study show that all the factors identified, such as water erosion with a rate of 17.7 T/Ha/year, expose the town to various risks. Demographics, on the other hand, represent a lesser and therefore acceptable challenge. As far as exogenous factors are concerned, the level of education of the head of household is a determining factor in the implementation and acceptance of urban planning documents in Pala. Confirmatory factor analysis and the Chi2 test revealed that consideration of stakeholders’ needs and their inclusion in the process of drawing up these documents are factors that significantly influence their implementation. In contrast, age, gender and other variables did not reveal any significant anomalies in our analyses. Consequently, future efforts to implement Pala’s planning documents must be based on community participation and awareness of the acceptance of these documents, which are necessary in a process of decentralization and urban planning.


endogenous factors; exogenous factors; urban planning; sustainability; secondary city

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd10746


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