Whether e-commerce live streaming can increase consumers’ repurchase intention—Based on behavioral cognitive theory
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024
Despite the current craze for e-commerce live streaming, its specific impact on consumer repurchase intentions and the underlying mechanisms remain insufficiently explored, creating a notable gap in existing research. The purpose of this study is to investigate the precise impact of e-commerce live streaming on consumers’ repurchase intentions and to uncover the path through which this influence occurs. Drawing on behavioral cognitive theory, this paper employs a contextual experimental method to examine how e-commerce live streaming affects consumer repurchase behavior. The experimental results show that e-commerce live can significantly improve consumer repurchase intention, consumer loyalty and market order can positively regulate the effect of e-commerce live. This paper not only verifies the effectiveness of e-commerce live broadcasting, but also provides new ideas for brands and governments to strengthen the ability of e-commerce live broadcasting to “bring goods”.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd10732
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