The role of green sustainable innovation as a mediator of the relationship between green market orientation and competitive advantage: Insights from Saudi Arabia

Abrar Alhomaid, Leila Lefi

Article ID: 10494
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024



This study explored the relationships between green market orientation and competitive advantage, with a particular focus on the mediating role of green sustainable innovation. The research utilized a structured questionnaire to gather data from managers involved in environmental protection and professionals working in the manufacturing sectors of computers, electronics, optical products, and electrical equipment. The survey targeted respondents from key regions in Saudi Arabia, including Riyadh, Qassim, and the Eastern Province, resulting in a total of 273 responses. The collected data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM), a robust statistical technique that allows for the examination of complex relationships between variables. The findings confirmed a mediational model where green sustainable innovation—comprising both green product and green process innovation—served as a critical intermediary linking green market orientation to competitive advantage. Furthermore, the study validated direct effects of green market orientation on both green sustainable innovation and competitive advantage. These results emphasize the dual pathways through which green market orientation influences business performance. The research concludes by offering actionable insights for Saudi managers, highlighting strategies to maximize profitability and competitiveness through the adoption and implementation of green sustainable innovation practices.


green sustainable innovation; green marketing; competitive advantage; green customer orientation; green inter-functional orientation; green competitor

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