Identification of the territorial conditions for the film tourism development in Slovak Republic

Daniela Matušíková, Michal Lukáč, Jaroslava Gburová, Ján Ganobčík, Martin Halmo

Article ID: 10489
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024


Tourist visits to a destination or attraction as a result of the destination being featured on television, video, or the cinema screen were the ones, that stimulated the creation and development of film tourism, which quickly established itself in global conditions. The main objective of the paper was focused on the identification and the perception of the conditions of film tourism development in Slovak republic. So far, a lot of film production has been realized in the country, but this potential has not yet been properly used for the creation of tourism products. Implementation of the study from a methodological point of view took place using several research methods. The pilot scientific abstraction of the issue was followed by the analysis of film conditions in the territory of Slovak Republic and their categorization. The given starting points were followed by the implementation of questionnaire research, the results of which were verified using several research methods such as Doornik-Hansen test, Kruskal-Wallis test. The results of the questionnaire research show a significant positive perception of the potential of filmmaking as a significant factor in the creation of new tourism products. At the same time, they identify key destinations that could potentially become objects of product realization. Due to the fact that this issue has not received adequate attention in domestic conditions, the study brings a new, more comprehensive view of the topic and emphasizes the power of the potential for further development.


film tourism; film production destinations; film tourism participants; Slovak film production; film production

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