A study on competency modeling of “double-qualified” teachers in higher vocational colleges in China

Qianqian Mo, Siti Nisrin Mohd Anis

Article ID: 10484
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024


This research focuses on the construction of the competency of “Double-qualified” teachers in higher vocational colleges. Through comprehensive literature analysis, in-depth interviews and questionnaire surveys, a competency model covering three dimensions, namely personality charm, teaching literacy and practical skills, has been successfully established. This model provides a scientific basis for higher vocational colleges in teacher selection, performance evaluation and professional training, and particularly emphasizes the importance of teachers’ cultivation of students’ practical abilities and professional qualities in the context of vocational education. The research reveals that these three competency dimensions are interdependent and jointly influence teachers’ educational and teaching achievements as well as students’ career development.


higher vocational teachers; double-qualified teacher; competency; competency model

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd10484


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