The role and function of government and non-government organizations in the development of permanent housing for disaster-affected communities in Cianjur Regency
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024
This study investigates the roles of government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in constructing permanent housing for disaster-affected communities in Cianjur Regency following the November 2022 earthquake. Employing a qualitative methodology, the research utilizes in-depth interviews and field observations involving local governments, NGOs, and disaster survivors. The findings highlight the government’s central role in policy formulation, budget allocation, and coordination of housing development, while NGOs contribute through community empowerment, logistical support, and ensuring participatory planning. Challenges in collaboration, such as differing objectives and resource constraints, underscore the need for enhanced synergy. The study concludes that effective partnerships among the government, NGOs, and the community can expedite the development of sustainable, safe housing tailored to local needs. Emphasis on community empowerment and integrated resource management enhances resilience to future disasters. Success hinges on strong coordination, proactive challenge management, and inclusive stakeholder engagement throughout the recovery process.
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