Leadership in higher education and societal transformation—Universities as catalyst for societal well-being
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024
Leadership and the academic freedom of the Universities in a digitally changing world are the generators of innovation in society. This study is a qualitative and quantitative empirical research of the Leadership at the public and private Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Kosovo, that examines their communication, authoritarian or liberal communication, and dominant perceptions and attitudes towards social, political, and financial strategies in HEI as a basis of social and economic wellbeing. The theory of research, as elaborated by Tight (2022), emphasizes the evolving nature of academic inquiry and the significance of context in shaping research practices. Waite (2013) highlights the pivotal role of communication strategies in determining the effectiveness of both democratic and authoritarian leadership styles. Effective communication in democratic leadership fosters transparency and collaboration, while in authoritarian leadership, it can be used to consolidate control and manage dissent The research was conducted at public and private HEI, through personal interviews and a structured questionnaire, which was carried out by the staff of higher management of HEI, academic staff, administrative staff, and students of the public and private Universities. The results demonstrated that academic and financial autonomy has a high impact on academic ethics and academic integrity and has a high impact on the increase of the economy and well-being in society, compared with the lack of academic and financial autonomy and interference of politics in the management of HEI which has an impact on lower quality and integrity of HEI in society. Leaders of Universities need to think about new leadership models more socially responsible and more ecologically sensible consumption oriented, from Society, to society for society.
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