Critical thinking and simulation in child welfare: Florida department of children and family’s formative evaluation

Kevin Marino, Jennifer Hamburger, Timothy Wiles, Robert Wright

Article ID: 10452
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024


An evaluation of the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) revealed child welfare professionals required more comprehensive pre-service training. The REAL Academy™ (RA) provided training in critical reasoning, high-fidelity simulation, and administrative tethering. This article is an evaluation of the effectiveness of the redesigned training process. We collected quantitative and qualitative data from five cadres of trainees, including representatives from the DCF, sheriff’s offices, the University of Southern Florida, and community-based care centers. Statistical analyses of quantitative data included correlations, linear regression, and multiple regression, and results indicated the critical thinking training was highly effective, realistic, and relevant, and the simulation exercises helped trainees gauge, manage, and recover from the anxiety and stress inherent in their work. Thematic analyses of qualitative data revealed that trainees placed importance on their roles within the organization, implying the need for a trust-centric configuration, which can be achieved by administrative tethering. Recommendations for future practice include the integration of contemporary teaching methodologies, an emphasis on trauma competency, a focus on improving the workplace culture and environment, the incorporation of virtual reality, the introduction of critical thinking strategies and tools, and the use of high-fidelity simulations.


administrative tethering; train the trainer; trauma competency; virtual reality; mixed methods

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