Impact of bullying behaviors on mental health among adolescents: An analysis of interpersonal relationships in school settings

Mihaela Rus, Mihaela Luminița Sandu, Floricica Mariana Călin, Maria Ioana Telecan, Ionel Simionică, Aureliana Florina Brătei, Constantina Alina Miloș Ilie, Loredana Ileana Vîșcu, Dana Rad

Article ID: 10437
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024


This study examines aggressive behavior among adolescents in school settings, focusing on its associations with mental health dimensions such as dysfunctional negative emotions and anxiety. A total of 403 adolescents (234 girls and 169 boys) aged 12 and 13 years participated in the study. Self-report questionnaires assessed aggressive tendencies and mental health symptoms, while demographic variables such as age and gender were also collected. Data analysis revealed a non-normal distribution, as determined by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests. Consequently, non-parametric statistical methods were employed, including the Spearman correlation coefficient to explore relationships between variables and the Mann-Whitney U test to analyze gender differences. The results demonstrated significant positive correlations between aggressive behavior and dysfunctional negative emotions (r = 0.191, p < 0.01) and between aggression and anxiety (r = 0.275, p < 0.01). Additionally, gender differences emerged, with females reporting higher levels of mental health symptoms than males (p < 0.05). These findings highlight the complex relationship between mental health challenges and aggression, emphasizing the significant roles of gender and emotional regulation in shaping these dynamics. The study calls for the development of tailored psychological interventions that not only address aggressive behaviors but also consider the unique mental health needs and emotional profiles of adolescents, ensuring a more personalized and effective approach to support their well-being.


bullying; dysfunctional negative emotions; anxiety; mental health; adolescents; school settings

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