The impact of ESG components on brand value

András Takács

Article ID: 10411
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024



In recent years, environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues have emerged as a significant area of focus for companies. Furthermore, the international trend is reinforced by the emergence of relevant regulations and the obligation to prepare sustainability reports in leading economies and in the European Union. The impact of ESG and its constituent elements (environmental, social, and governance) on financial performance has been the subject of extensive investigation, with the majority of studies documenting a positive correlation. This evidence substantiates the assertion that sustainability initiatives can yield financial benefits. Concurrently, research has accorded much less attention to the impact of ESG performance on brand value, which can be identified as an indicator of consumer perception. This study, based on data from 26 global corporations between 2012 and 2021, demonstrates that efforts in the areas of environmental and social responsibility have a positive impact on consumer perception, which translates into increased brand value. Nevertheless, such a relationship was not found in case of the governance component.


ESG; environmental awareness; social responsibility; brand value

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