Contributions to the eternal debate between rural and non-rural. A view from the employment perspective
Vol 9, Issue 2, 2025
In a territorial development model such as that of Valencia (Spain), in which limitations, resistance and difficulties are observed as a result of the dualization that it has undergone in these almost 40 years of operation, we ask whether these obstacles have had an effect on the evolution of employment. This is understood as the basic indicator, the primary aim of any action undertaken for development of the territory. To this end, we set out from the methodological articulation of various techniques (survey by means of a pre-coded questionnaire, application of the READI® methodology) based on the primary information collected from the AEDL (Employment and Local Development Agents) technical staff of Valencia province, which showed us their perception of the dualization to which the model is subjected and the difficulties that this generates when carrying out their professional activity. Statistical and documentary sources were also analyzed. With all this, the evolution of employment in these territories over the last five years was studied in order to validate, or not, the initial hypothesis: Whether this reality of the model (duality) responds to short-term or structural parameters.
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