Analyse how Malaysia’s adoption of IR40 has affected customer loyalty
Vol 9, Issue 2, 2025
A large number of consumers in Malaysia are resistant towards new technology and prefer instead the tried and tested way of doing things. It is worth examining if local consumers are in fact ready to digitize and accept technology in their day-to-day dealings. A behavioral study was developed to gauge the digital maturity and tech preparedness of Malaysian consumers with regards to loyalty and how this will reflect an individual’s predisposition in his or her ability and eventual use of a new technology. This study latched on to the concept of tech preparedness. A conceptual framework was developed after reviewing existing scholarly literature. This was then tested through a survey using a convenience sample from 383 SME consumers in the country. This study also looked at the difference in tech preparedness among gender, age and level of education. During the Investigation regarding Industry 4.0, it was noticed that there are few studies dealing with this segment of companies in Malaysia. In addition in team of this research about customer perspective the amount of studies become more less and also because of the Shortage of the necessary skills, talents and knowledge for adopting Industry 4.0, the number Malaysian company ready to move or already move to industry 4.0 is quit few and it seems to cause less experience using new technology among Malaysian customers.
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