Local government development policy: Natural resource revenue sharing and economic growth in Indonesia

Bachtari Alam Hidayat, Tria Apriliana, Agus Faturohim, Ribut Nurul Tri Wahyuni, Firdaus Landekumandang, Loso Judijanto, Teti Rahmawati, Amir Hamzah, Yolanda Yolanda, Herie Saksono

Article ID: 10375
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024


Regions rich in natural resources often exhibit a high dependency on revenue from Revenue Sharing Funds (DBH). This dependency can pose long-term challenges, especially when commodity prices experience significant fluctuations. This study examines the role of Revenue Sharing Funds from Natural Resources (DBH SDA) on economic growth in 491 regencies/cities in Indonesia during the 2010–2012 period. The analysis employs panel data regression. The selection of this period was based on the occurrence of a resource boom characterized by a surge in global demand for natural resource commodities, accompanied by an increase in commodity prices. This condition positively impacted the revenues of both the nation and resource-rich regions. The results of the study show that economic growth is not influenced by DBH SDA but rather by General Allocation Funds (DAU). This indicates that the central government still plays a significant role in determining economic growth at the regency/city level in Indonesia. Regions need to prioritize economic diversification to reduce reliance on DBH SDA and DAU. Investment in productive sectors, such as infrastructure, education, and technology, can be a strategic approach to accelerating regional economic growth.


natural resources; economic growth; revenue sharing fund; development; panel data regression

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd10375


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