Some issues of formation of economic competence of non-economic specialty students
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024
The article presents the experience of formation and development of economic competences of non-economic specialty students. The modern world is quite complex, diverse, and multidimensional, in order to adapt to it, work effectively, it is necessary to have information about market relations, relations in the sphere of production, consumption, exchange, distribution, and also to be able to connect these areas, navigate the laws operating in these areas. It should be noted that the formation and development of a specialist’s economic competence occurs throughout his or her entire professional life. In our study, the process of forming economic competence is considered as its formation at the stage of mastering economic disciplines, relevant special courses and methodical support. Training in higher education should lead to the acquired knowledge being transferred into the activity of combining elements into an interconnected structure, into the skillful distribution of resources, into the activity that brings profit and has the form of capital investment, in other words, the individual, acquiring knowledge for himself, should be able to transform it into a socially significant value. This requires the search for and implementation of new approaches in the content and organization of the educational process at all levels of education. Research devoted to the role of education in the preparation of future non-economists for economic competence focuses on the preparation of an individual for the economic literacy of an entrepreneur. One of the main tasks of the education system should be preparation for successful socialization in the context of involvement in entrepreneurial relations. It is students and young specialists who have advantages in entrepreneurship in the current conditions: they have the opportunity to obtain specialized knowledge and skills in the field of economics; they can start their own business, relying on economic knowledge. Therefore, the role of higher education is increasing, since it helps to meet the needs of society and implement its socially significant goals. This poses new challenges for universities to transfer the necessary economic knowledge, skills and abilities to students, and to develop their economic competence. The development of basic economic competences in a student is a guarantee of his competitiveness in the labor market and the basis for making reasonable economic decisions in the daily life of every person.
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