The economic consequences of inflation on the dynamics of business environment in central Europe

Viera Kubičková, Monika Naďová Krošláková, Adrián Čakanišin, Mária Halenárová

Article ID: 10303
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024


The following study delves into the influence of inflation on the creation and closed businesses in specific Central European nations, namely Slovakia, Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic, and Romania, spanning from 2014 to 2021 by the use of annual data. Through a panel regression data analyze approach, the research delineates the correlation between inflation rates and entrepreneurial endeavors. The findings reveal a statistically significant positive impact of inflation on the inception of new businesses, with Germany exhibiting the most robust correlation. This suggests that inflationary pressures can serve as encouragement for entrepreneurial activities. Conversely, the study uncovers a positive yet less pronounced association between inflation and business closures, particularly notable in Poland, where heightened inflation contributes to an elevated rate of business discontinuation. These results suggest that, while inflation can spur the establishment of new businesses, it may also precipitate instability and an increased likelihood of business closure in less resilient economies. The research furnishes valuable insights for policymakers by underscoring the necessity of accounting for inflationary trends when formulating policies aimed at cultivating a supportive climate for businesses. Subsequent research should encompass supplementary macroeconomic variables and broaden the timeframe to yield a more comprehensive comprehension of the interplay between inflation and business dynamics in the region.


economic inflation; business environment; new businesses; closed businesses; Central Europe

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