The impact of AI enablement on students’ personalized learning and countermeasures—A dialectical approach to thinking

Shaoxin Zheng, Ming Han

Article ID: 10274
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


This study aims to use dialectical thinking to explore the impacts and responses of Artificial Intelligence (AI) empowerment on students’ personalized learning. The effect of AI empowerment on student personalization is dissected through a literature review and empirical cases. The study finds that AI plays a significant role in promoting personalized learning by enhancing students’ learning effectiveness through intelligent recommendation, automated feedback, improving students’ independent learning ability, and optimizing learning paths, however, the wide application of AI also brings problems such as technological dependence, cheating in exams, weakening of critical thinking ability, educational fairness, and data privacy protection to students. The study proposes recommendations to strengthen technology regulation, enhance the synergy between teachers and AI, and optimize the personalized learning model. AI-enabled personalized learning is expected to play a greater role in improving learning efficiency and educational fairness.


AI enablement; personalized learning; educational equity; dialectical thinking; data privacy

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