Bridging digital bank and e-commerce: A study on customer experience and reuse intention in integrated digital payment system

Alya Muthia Fitri, Arinil Haq, Raissa Adlina Febrianny, Putu Wuri Handayani, Hana Fitriani

Article ID: 10271
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024


The emerging growth digital application has driven ecosystems integrating digital banks and e-commerce platforms, enabling seamless, efficient transactions. This study examines the impact of user experience and satisfaction on reuse intention in this integrated environment. Using a mixed-method approach, data were collected through surveys of 471 respondents and interviews with 30 participants. Quantitative data were analyzed using structural equation modeling, while qualitative data were processed through content analysis. Results show that perceived ease of use, usefulness, reliability, value, and risk significantly affect user experience, while perceived security does not. These findings aim to help digital banks and e-commerce platforms design effective CRM strategies to enhance satisfaction and reuse intention.


digital bank; e-commerce; financial technology; user experience; CRM

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