Exploring the impact of a Generative AI Voicebot on customer service quality in a telecommunications company in Peru
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024
Nowadays, customer service in telecommunications companies is often characterized by long waiting times and impersonal responses, leading to customer dissatisfaction, increased complaints, and higher operational costs. This study aims to optimize the customer service process through the implementation of a Generative AI Voicebot, developed using the SCRUMBAN methodology, which comprises seven phases: Objectives, To-Do Tasks, Analysis, Development, Testing, Deployment, and Completion. An experimental design was used with an experimental group and a control group, selecting a representative sample of 30 customer service processes for each evaluated indicator. The results showed a 34.72% reduction in the average time to resolve issues, a 33.12% decrease in service cancellation rates, and a 97% increase in customer satisfaction. The implications of this research suggest that the use of Generative AI In Voicebots can transform support strategies in service companies. In conclusion, the implementation of the Generative AI Voicebot has proven effective in significantly reducing resolution time and markedly increasing customer satisfaction. Future research is recommended to further explore the SCRUMBAN methodology and extend the use of Generative AI Voicebots in various business contexts.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd10226
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