How does artificial intelligence promote teaching innovation in basic education? Teaching experience from Macau, China

Sio Hong Teng, Fat Fai Ieong

Article ID: 10133
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


Artificial intelligence has transformed teachers’ teaching models. This article explores the application of artificial intelligence in basic education in Macao middle schools. This study adopts case analysis in qualitative research, using a total of eight cases from the innovative technology education platform of the Macau education and Youth Development Bureau. These data illustrate how Macao’s artificial intelligence technology promotes teaching innovation in basic education. These eight cases are closely related to the application of artificial intelligence in basic education in Macao. The survey results show that Macao’s education policy has a positive effect on teaching innovation in artificial intelligence education. In teaching practice, the school also cooperates with the government’s policy. The application of AI technology in teaching, students’ learning styles, changes in teachers’ roles, and new needs for teacher training are all influential.


Macau; artificial intelligence; basic education; case analysis

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