The role of the will in community development between Sharīʿah and secular law: From establishment to revival

MOHAMAD ALSAIED, Sellami Abdeddayem, Yousif Ahmed Omar

Article ID: 10109
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024


This study aims to explore the precise characteristics of the issue of bequests, not solely from a jurisprudential perspective as is common among researchers, but also by linking it to its role in community development and progress. Bequests serve multiple functions that represent the ethical and cultural objectives of Sharīʿah [the ‘Divine Legislation’], which manifest in the process of uniting members of a single society. This is achieved through their contribution to building bonds of affection and compassion among individuals. Additionally, bequests have economic dimensions that consider the interests of the needy and provide them with resources to elevate their living standards. The study also presents a comparison between the contract of bequest an inheritance contract in Islamic Sharīʿah and secular laws, particularly Western ones. This is done by examining the mechanisms employed in enforcing bequests and understanding the interests sought in each, highlighting the distinct features of Islamic Sharīʿah in its consideration of kinship and both private and public interests, aiming to clear religious liability and via promoting community development while prioritizing moral and societal values. Accordingly, this study, in its examination of the subject, seeks to investigate the essence and objectives of bequests and extract the meanings endorsed by the majority of scholars who permitted bequests to heirs, conditional upon the consent of the remaining heirs. This approach considers both the significance of maintaining harmonious familial ties, and the positive impact this has on individual and community development. This will then be compared to some methods that strictly define inheritance in certain Western societies. The researcher employed both analytical and comparative methodologies, in line with the study’s requirements, noting that the nature of the research opens horizons for understanding the approaches of non-Islamic countries regarding the issue of wills, the importance of exploring the culture of the other and its foundational references, the impact of Islamic laws on others, and how the laws upon which Islamic legislations were established have benefited from Western legal obligations. This represents an extension that goes beyond legislative codification to a cultural exchange that allows us to build intellectual communication with the other, placing this research before a fundamental problem embodied in the following question: To what extent do bequests contribute to community development? And what are the communicative dimensions that comparative legislation on bequests with the other offers us?


bequests; wasiyyah; divine legislation; inheritance; community development; ethical and cultural objectives; economic dimensions; secular law; Sharīʿah

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