Determinants of digital financial inclusion in Mexico
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024
This study aims to analyze the effect of financial literacy and financial education on digital financial inclusion in Mexico. The analysis is carried out with 13,554 data from the National Survey of Financial Inclusion 2021, corresponding to Mexican adults who use digital financial services. The population under study comprises people over 18 years old, residing in Mexico, disaggregated by size of locality, and divided into six geographical regions. The dichotomous Probit model is used to estimate the effect of financial literacy and sociodemographic variables on digital financial inclusion. The results show that financial literacy and financial education have a marginal effect, of 0.94% and 4.42%, respectively, on digital financial services. Results also show that the marginal effect of financial literacy and financial education is greater on the use of mobile payments than on the acquisition of online accounts or apps and online credit. The results also show that gender, locality size, educational level, income and asset holding have a statistically significant relationship with the use of digital financial services. The findings confirm that financial literacy and financial education contribute to the digital financial inclusion of Mexicans, in this sense, providing financial education can especially benefit vulnerable population groups such as those living in rural areas and those with low income and low education levels.
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