Humanitarian aid and economic development: Analysis of sustainable resilience strategies for refugees in the Minawao camp (Cameroon)

Marie Rosette MAGNE, Cyprien Coffi Aholou

Article ID: 10092
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024


In a context of refugee precarity, the article highlights the significance of inclusive economic models for sustainable resilience amidst protracted crises, examining the interplay between humanitarian aid and economic development within the Minawao camp. Initially established as a temporary solution, the camp now shelters over 76,000 Nigerians fleeing Boko Haram violence. The study focuses on analyzing initiatives implemented to promote economic empowerment and resilience for refugees within a sustainable humanitarian framework. Through a combination of survey data, document reviews, and interviews, findings reveal that while these initiatives align with Sustainable Development Goal 8, they remain limited and insufficiently adapted to the skills and needs of the refugees. The camp’s geographic isolation and the passive involvement of the Cameroonian government further exacerbate the refugees’ dependency on humanitarian aid. Consequently, the study advocates for greater host-state involvement beyond theoretical agreements, the diversification of economic opportunities beyond the camp, adjustment of empowerment programs to meet refugee needs, and strengthened funding through innovative partnerships.


refugee; sustainable humanitarian; empowerment; economic resilience; Minawao

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