Innovation in business model changes in PT MRT Jakarta’s towards creating Transit Oriented Development area

Zulfadli Ardiansyah, Marimin Marimin, Dikky Indrawan, Yurianto Yurianto

Article ID: 10069
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024

VIEWS - 98 (Abstract)


Transit-oriented development is a concept that focuses on developing areas in and around transit nodes to create added value. The concept concentrates on integrating mass public transport networks with non-motorized modes of transport, minimizing the usage of motorized vehicles, and fostering the growth of dense, mixed-use areas with medium to high spatial intensity. This research examines the effects of altering the business model to create Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in Jakarta, contrasting it with PT Moda Raya Transports (PT MRT). We collected data by conducting in-depth interviews with experts and distributing questionnaires to seven respondents who work at this We used the Business Model Canvas (BMC) to identify business models and the internal resources needed for the implementation process. process. Therefore, six elements in BMC were used to conduct changes, and based on the results, RBV analysis was pe PT MRT needs to enhance its internal power to a competitive advantage level in order to effectively manage changes. We need to conduct further research on how the business model can influence the creation of transit-oriented development areas.


Business Model Canvas; Transit Oriented Development; transportation; value creation

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