A maturity model for performance management in education systems: Evidence from Morocco
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024
Performance Management is a major concern to various stakeholders in Education System, it is considered to be key driver to improve school effectiveness and learning quality. However, the complexity of education Systems, has made it challenging to apply an effective PM model. This study paper introduces a maturity model with six dimensions, fifteen Capability Areas and forty-two Best-Practices to assess education systems’ organizational capacity for performance management. It provides deep insights into their structural and functional characteristics and serves as a framework for decision-makers to identify and implement missing practices while enhancing existing ones. The maturity model was developed following the Design Science Research methodology to ensure both rigor and relevance. A bottom-up approach guided its design, integrating insights from extensive literature reviews and lessons learned from benchmark countries. The evaluation process employed a qualitative approach, using focus groups with a carefully selected cohort of academics, experts, and practitioners. The Moroccan case study serves as part of the “Reflection and Learning” phase, providing an initial test for the model and paving the way for further empirical research. Future studies will aim to test, refine, and extend the model, facilitating its application across diverse educational contexts.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd10054
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