Covid-19 and the factors affecting the performance of listed commercial banks in Vietnam: Utilizing the two-stage DEA method

Chau Dinh Linh, Nguyen Phuc Quy Thanh

Article ID: 10008
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


This article measures the performance of listed commercial banks in Vietnam and identifies factors influencing their efficiency. The study follows a two-stage approach: (i) In the first stage, scale efficiency scores from 2016 to 2022 are assessed using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method; (ii) In the second stage, Tobit regression analyzes internal factors, macroeconomic conditions, and the impact of Covid-19. Key findings show that internal factors such as return on assets positively affect efficiency, while the ratio of equity to total capital has a negative and statistically significant impact. Bank size positively influences efficiency scores. Macroeconomic factors, including economic growth and inflation, were statistically insignificant. However, the Covid-19 pandemic had a significant negative effect on bank efficiency.


Covid-19; DEA; intermediate approach; Tobit regression

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