Numerical heat transfer enhancement in MHD boundary layer flow with Darcy-Forchheimer Bioconvection Nanofluid
Vol 7, Issue 2, 2024
Scientists have harnessed the diverse capabilities of nanofluids to solve a variety of engineering and scientific problems due to high-temperature predictions. The contribution of nanoparticles is often discussed in thermal devices, chemical reactions, automobile engines, fusion processes, energy results, and many industrial systems based on unique heat transfer results. Examining bioconvection in non-Newtonian nanofluids reveals diverse applications in advanced fields such as biotechnology, biomechanics, microbiology, computational biology, and medicine. This study investigates the enhancement of heat transfer with the impact of magnetic forces on a linearly stretched surface, examining the two-dimensional Darcy-Forchheimer flow of nanofluids based on blood. The research explores the influence of velocity, temperature, concentration, and microorganism profile on fluid flow assumptions. This investigation utilizes blood as the primary fluid for nanofluids, introducing nanoparticles like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide (. The study aims to explore their interactions and potential applications in the field of biomedicine. In order to streamline the complex scheme of partial differential equations (PDEs), boundary layer assumptions are employed. Through appropriate transformations, the governing partial differential equations (PDEs) and their associated boundary conditions are transformed into a dimensionless representation. By employing a local non-similarity technique with a second-degree truncation and utilizing MATLAB’s built-in finite difference code (bvp4c), the modified model’s outcomes are obtained. Once the calculated results and published results are satisfactorily aligned, graphical representations are used to illustrate and analyze how changing variables affect the fluid flow characteristics problems under consideration. In order to visualize the numerical variations of the drag coefficient and the Nusselt number, tables have been specially designed. Velocity profile of -blood and -blood decreases for increasing values of and , while temperature profile increases for increasing values of and . Concentration profile decreases for increasing values of , and microorganism profile increases for increasing values of . For rising values of and the drag coefficient increases and the Nusselt number decreases for rising values of and The model introduces a novel approach by conducting a non-similar analysis of the Darchy-Forchheimer bioconvection flow of a two-dimensional blood-based nanofluid in the presence of a magnetic field.
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