Implementation of IoT-based energy monitoring and automatic power factor correction system

Manoharan Madhiarasan

Article ID: 1996
Vol 6, Issue 1, 2023


Energy monitoring facilitates quick access and helps to know the power utilization and normal and abnormal conditions. Nowadays, many applications and majorly industries face problems regarding power quality. In the power system, the power factor plays a vital role in power quality. The addition of capacitance overcomes the decay of the power factor and reduces the power loss. This paper aims to build an automatic power factor correction (APFC) system, which can monitor the energy consumption of a system and automatically improve its power factor. In the design, an opensource energy monitoring library has been implemented for accurate power calculations. This paper carried out the work of hardware experimentation of energy monitoring and automatic power factor correction using a capacitor bank with the association of Internet of Things (IoT) technology. Build a mobile application to more simply and comfortablely monitor power and correct automatically. The developed hardware model’s performance is validated with and without load conditions. The result proves that the designed Raspberry Pi-based energy monitoring and automatic power factor correction system outperforms to improve the power factor without human interaction by properly switching the capacitor bank. Hence, the power loss, penalty, and power quality-related problems were resolved based on the proposed approach. The proposed design is compact, simple, and easy to implement and aids in power system advancement.


Power System; Automatic Power Factor Correction; Capacitor Bank; IoT; Raspberry Pi; Energy Monitoring

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