Thermal effects of electromagnetic origin from heating processes to biological disturbances due to field exposure—A review
Vol 6, Issue 1, 2023
This contribution aims to appraise, analyze and evaluate the literature relating to the interaction of electromagnetic fields (EMF) with matter and the resulting thermal effects. This relates to the wanted thermal effects via the application of fields as well as those uninvited resulting from exposure to the field. In the paper, the most popular EMF heating technologies are analyzed. This involves on the one hand high frequency induction heating (HFIH) and on the other hand microwave heating (MWH), including microwave ovens and hyperthermia medical treatment. Then, the problem of EMF exposure is examined and the resulting biological thermal effects are illuminated. Thus, the two most common cases of wireless EMF devices, namely digital communication tools and inductive power transfer appliances are analyzed and evaluated. The last part of the paper concerns the determination of the different thermal effects, which are studied and discussed, by considering the governing EMF and heat transfer (or bio heat) equations and their solution methodologies.
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