The influence of thermal modification on lignite structure by FT-IR

Yue Hu, Fangjian Xue, Zhixiao Zhang

Article ID: 1532
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2022


The modification experiment of Inner Mongolia Baiyinhua lignite by hot air at 200 ℃ for 1 h was carried out. Thestructural changes of Baiyinhua lignite before and after thermal modification were analyzed by infrared spectrum. Theresults show that the moisture and oxygen content in lignite are greatly reduced by thermal modification, and the carboncontent and calorific value are also increased to varying degrees. In the process of thermal modification, variousoxygen-containing functional groups in lignite are reduced in different degrees due to thermal decomposition. Thermalmodification also causes substitution reaction of aromatic hydrocarbons in lignite, CH2 in aliphatic hydrocarbonstructure breaks, but hydroxyl group in lignite does not change significantly before and after thermal modification.


Lignite; Low Temperature Thermal Modification; Infrared Spectrum; Coal Structure

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