Thermodynamic study of the adsorption of an azoic dye by a lignocellulosic residue in an aqueous medium

Gina Hincapié Mejía, Sebastián Cardona Cuervo, Luis Alberto Ríos

Article ID: 1531
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2022


Roasted and ground coffee residue was investigated as an adsorbent lignocellulosic material capable of removing methyl orange dye from aqueous solutions by means of batch adsorption experiments. The effects of experimental parameters on the adsorption behavior, such as initial dye concentration, adsorbent dosage, initial pH and temperature were studied. A better adsorption of the dye was observed at acid pH, low temperature and with an adsorbent dosage of 6 g/L. A Pseudo-second order kinetics was found according to the Lagergren kinetic model. A maximum adsorption capacity of 1.3 mg methyl orange per gram of adsorbent was calculated by fitting the Langmuir model. The adsorption of methyl orange on the adsorbent analyzed was found to be exothermic in nature. The roasted and ground coffee residue was found to be viable for the primary treatment of wastewater contaminated with azoic-type compounds.


Roasted Ground Coffee; Kinetics; Adsorption Isotherms; Dye Removal; Sorption

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