Study on the hydrothermal recovery characteristics of nano-ceramic membranes on regenerative gas
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2022
In view of the large energy consumption of the regeneration process in the chemical absorption decarburization process, on the basis of the enrichment classification flow process, the nanoscale ceramic film is used as a new heat exchanger between the enriched liquid and the regeneration gas. The porous ceramic film is capable of coupling thermal-mass transfer to effectively recover part of the water vapor and the heat carried in the regeneration gas, so as to reduce the regenerative energy consumption of the system. The effects of parameters such as regeneration temperature, flow rate, molar fraction of water vapor, and MEA enrichment temperature, flow rate, and MEA concentration of shunt on the hydrothermal recovery effect of ceramic membranes of different pore sizes and lengths were studied by using the heat recovery flux and water recovery rate as the indicators. The results show that the hydrothermal recovery performance of the ceramic membrane increases with the increase of MEA enrichment flow, but decreases significantly with the increase of the enrichment temperature. At the same time, with the increase of regenerative gas velocity and the molar fraction of water vapor in the regenerative gas, the heat recovery flux will increase. The heat recovery performance of the 10 nm ceramic membrane is better than that of the 20 nm ceramic membrane.
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